Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 7, 2011

Kinh tế Thụy Sĩ sáng tạo nhất thế giới - Global Innovation Index 2011 - Switzerland ranks first among 125 economies on innovation levels

Tôi đang sống, làm việc ở TS, phải thừa nhận là ở đây mọi người làm việc với cường độ rất lớn nên hiệu suất cao, xứng đáng là nền kinh tế liên tục đổi mới và sáng tạo, dù không biết có nhất hay không.
Kinh tế Thụy Sĩ đổi mới và sáng tạo nhất thế giới

Global Innovation Index 2011 - Switzerland ranks first among 125 economies on innovation levels

Theo phóng viên TTXVN tại Liên hợp quốc, Tổ chức Sở hữu trí tuệ thế giới (WIPO) và các đối tác trong tổ chức "Đối tác tri thức" đã công bố các chỉ số đổi mới toàn cầu (GII) năm 2011, trong đó kinh tế Thụy Sĩ được đánh giá là nền kinh tế đổi mới và sáng tạo nhất trong 125 nền kinh tế được xếp hạng năm 2011.

Trong tốp 10 nền kinh tế đổi mới hàng đầu thế giới, đa số là các nền kinh tế châu Âu mà ngoài Thụy Sĩ là Thụy Điển (thứ 2), Phần Lan (5), Đan Mạch (6), Hà Lan (9) và Anh (10).

Châu Á có 2 đại diện là Singapore (3) và Hong Kong (4). Châu Mỹ cũng có 2 đại diện là Mỹ (7) và Canada (8). Bắc Âu là khu vực đổi mới kinh tế hàng đầu thế giới với 5 nền kinh tế xếp ở thứ hạng cao: Thụy Điển, Phần Lan, Đan Mạch, Iceland (11) và Na Uy (18).

Ngoài 2 nền kinh tế thuộc tốp 10 là Singapore và Hong Kong, khu vực Đông Á và Thái Bình Dương còn có 5 nền kinh tế đứng trong tốp 30 gồm New Zealand (15), Hàn Quốc (16), Nhật Bản (20), Australia (21) và Trung Quốc (29).

Tổng Giám đốc WIPO, Francis Gurry nhấn mạnh đổi mới đóng vai trò trung tâm thúc đẩy tăng trưởng kinh tế, tạo việc làm mới và chất lượng, đồng thời có tầm quan trọng hàng đầu để tăng sức cạnh tranh của nền kinh tế. Tuy nhiên, một nền kinh tế không thể đổi mới và sáng tạo nếu không đầu tư thời gian, nỗ lực cũng như các nguồn tài lực và nhân lực trình độ cao.

Các chỉ số GII trở thành công cụ chuẩn có giá trị để khuyến khích đối thoại giữa khu vực công và tư của một nền kinh tế./.

Global Innovation Index rankings
Note: World Bank Income Group Classification (January 2011): LI = low income; LM = lower-middle income; UM = upper-middle income; and HI = high income; World Bank Regional Classification (January 2011):
ECS = Europe & Central Asia; MEA = Middle East & North Africa; SSF = Sub-Saharan Africa; EAS = East Asia & Pacific; SAS = South Asia; NAC = North America; and LCN = Latin America & Caribbean.

Country/Economy Score (0–100) Rank Income Rank Region Rank 2010 2009

Switzerland               63.82              1          HI          1      ECS        1       4        7

Sweden 62.12 2 HI 2 ECS 2 2 3
Singapore 59.64 3 HI 3 EAS 1 7 5
Hong Kong (SAR), China 58.80 4 HI 4 EAS 2 3 12
Finland 57.50 5 HI 5 ECS 3 6 13
Denmark 56.96 6 HI 6 ECS 4 5 8
United States of America 56.57 7 HI 7 NAC 1 11 1
Canada 56.33 8 HI 8 NAC 2 12 11
Netherlands 56.31 9 HI 9 ECS 5 8 10
United Kingdom 55.96 10 HI 10 ECS 6 14 4
Iceland 55.10 11 HI 11 ECS 7 1 20
Germany 54.89 12 HI 12 ECS 8 16 2
Ireland 54.10 13 HI 13 ECS 9 19 21
Israel 54.03 14 HI 14 MEA 1 23 23
New Zealand 53.79 15 HI 15 EAS 3 9 27
Korea, Rep. 53.68 16 HI 16 EAS 4 20 6
Luxembourg 52.65 17 HI 17 ECS 10 15 17
Norway 52.60 18 HI 18 ECS 11 10 14
Austria 50.75 19 HI 19 ECS 12 21 15
Japan 50.32 20 HI 20 EAS 5 13 9
Australia 49.85 21 HI 21 EAS 6 18 22
France 49.25 22 HI 22 ECS 13 22 19
Estonia 49.18 23 HI 23 ECS 14 29 29
Belgium 49.05 24 HI 24 ECS 15 17 18
Hungary 48.12 25 HI 25 ECS 16 36 47
Qatar 47.74 26 HI 26 MEA 2 35 24
Czech Republic 47.30 27 HI 27 ECS 17 27 33
Cyprus 46.45 28 HI 28 ECS 18 32 45
China 46.43 29 LM 1 EAS 7 43 37
Slovenia 45.07 30 HI 29 ECS 19 26 36
Malaysia 44.05 31 UM 1 EAS 8 28 25
Spain 43.81 32 HI 30 ECS 20 30 28
Portugal 42.40 33 HI 31 ECS 21 34 40
United Arab Emirates 41.99 34 HI 32 MEA 3 24 26
Italy 40.69 35 HI 33 ECS 22 38 31
Latvia 39.80 36 HI 34 ECS 23 44 60
Slovak Republic 39.05 37 HI 35 ECS 24 37 35
Chile 38.84 38 UM 2 LCN 1 42 39
Moldova, Rep. 38.66 39 LM 2 ECS 25 n/a 116
Lithuania 38.49 40 UM 3 ECS 26 39 42
Jordan 38.43 41 LM 3 MEA 4 58 55
Bulgaria 38.42 42 UM 4 ECS 27 49 74
Poland 38.02 43 HI 36 ECS 28 47 56
Croatia 37.98 44 HI 37 ECS 29 45 62
Costa Rica 37.91 45 UM 5 LCN 2 41 48
Bahrain 37.80 46 HI 38 MEA 5 40 34
Brazil 37.75 47 UM 6 LCN 3 68 50
Thailand 37.63 48 LM 4 EAS 9 60 44
Lebanon 37.11 49 UM 7 MEA 6 n/a n/a
Romania 36.83 50 UM 8 ECS 30 52 69
Viet Nam            36.71       51      LM         5        EAS         10                71            64
Kuwait 36.64 52 HI 39 MEA 7 33 30
Mauritius 36.47 53 UM 9 SSF 1 73 66
Saudi Arabia 36.44 54 HI 40 MEA 8 54 32
Serbia 36.31 55 UM 10 ECS 31 101 92
Russian Federation 35.85 56 UM 11 ECS 32 64 68
Oman 35.51 57 HI 41 MEA 9 65 52
Argentina 35.36 58 UM 12 LCN 4 75 84
South Africa 35.22 59 UM 13 SSF 2 51 43
Ukraine 35.01 60 LM 6 ECS 33 61 79
Guyana 34.83 61 LM 7 LCN 5 113 103
India 34.52 62 LM 8 SAS 1 56 41
Greece 34.18 63 HI 42 ECS 34 46 54
Uruguay 34.18 64 UM 14 LCN 6 53 80
Turkey 34.11 65 UM 15 ECS 35 67 51
Tunisia 33.89 66 LM 9 MEA 10 62 46
Macedonia 33.47 67 UM 16 ECS 36 77 89
Mongolia 33.40 68 LM 10 EAS 11 87 105
Armenia 33.00 69 LM 11 ECS 37 82 104
Ghana 32.48 70 LI 1 SSF 3 105 n/a
Colombia 32.32 71 UM 17 LCN 7 90 75
Trinidad and Tobago 32.17 72 HI 43 LCN 8 55 65
Georgia 31.87 73 LM 12 ECS 38 84 98
Paraguay 31.17 74 LM 13 LCN 9 127 118
Brunei Darussalam 30.93 75 HI 44 EAS 12 48 n/a
Bosnia & Herzegovina 30.84 76 UM 18 ECS 39 116 n/a
Panama 30.77 77 UM 19 LCN 10 66 67
Namibia 30.74 78 UM 20 SSF 4 92 95
Botswana 30.51 79 UM 21 SSF 5 86 77
Albania 30.45 80 UM 22 ECS 40 81 121
Mexico 30.45 81 UM 23 LCN 11 69 61
Sri Lanka 30.36 82 LM 14 SAS 2 79 58
Peru 30.34 83 UM 24 LCN 12 88 85
Kazakhstan 30.32 84 UM 25 ECS 41 63 72
Kyrgyzstan 29.79 85 LI 2 ECS 42 104 122
Guatemala 29.33 86 LM 15 LCN 13 95 81
Egypt 29.21 87 LM 16 MEA 11 74 76
Azerbaijan 29.17 88 UM 26 ECS 43 57 57
Kenya 29.15 89 LI 3 SSF 6 83 78
El Salvador 29.14 90 LM 17 LCN 14 91 88
Philippines 28.98 91 LM 18 EAS 13 76 63
Jamaica 28.88 92 UM 27 LCN 15 70 73
Ecuador 28.75 93 LM 19 LCN 16 126 109
Morocco 28.73 94 LM 20 MEA 12 94 82
Iran 28.41 95 UM 28 MEA 13 n/a n/a
Nigeria 28.15 96 LM 21 SSF 7 96 70
Bangladesh 28.05 97 LI 4 SAS 3 120 111
Honduras 27.81 98 LM 22 LCN 17 112 83
Indonesia 27.78 99 LM 23 EAS 14 72 49
Senegal 27.56 100 LM 24 SSF 8 106 90
Swaziland 27.52 101 LM 25 SSF 9 n/a n/a
Venezuela 27.41 102 UM 29 LCN 18 124 101
Cameroon 26.95 103 LM 26 SSF 10 119 106
Tanzania 26.88 104 LI 5 SSF 11 98 86
Pakistan 26.75 105 LM 27 SAS 4 103 93
Uganda 26.37 106 LI 6 SSF 12 108 100
Mali 26.35 107 LI 7 SSF 13 107 97
Malawi 25.96 108 LI 8 SSF 14 97 n/a
Rwanda 25.86 109 LI 9 SSF 15 n/a n/a
Nicaragua 25.78 110 LM 28 LCN 19 117 114
Cambodia 25.46 111 LI 10 EAS 15 102 117
Bolivia 25.44 112 LM 29 LCN 20 129 123
Madagascar 25.41 113 LI 11 SSF 16 125 113
Zambia 25.27 114 LI 12 SSF 17 111 96
Syrian Arab Republic 24.82 115 LM 30 MEA 14 132 94
Tajikistan 24.50 116 LI 13 ECS 44 115 112
Côte d’Ivoire 24.08 117 LM 31 SSF 18 89 n/a
Benin 23.81 118 LI 14 SSF 19 118 99
Zimbabwe 23.54 119 LI 15 SSF 20 131 126
Burkina Faso 23.14 120 LI 16 SSF 21 122 115
Ethiopia 22.88 121 LI 17 SSF 22 123 120
Niger 21.41 122 LI 18 SSF 23 n/a n/a
Yemen 20.72 123 LM 32 MEA 15 n/a n/a
Sudan 20.36 124 LM 33 SSF 24 n/a n/a
Algeria 19.79 125 UM 30 MEA 16 121 108

Global Innovation Index 2011 - Switzerland ranks first among 125 economies on innovation levels

Geneva, June 30, 2011
Released jointly by INSEAD and its Global Innovation Index 2011 edition Knowledge Partners, Alcatel-Lucent, Booz & Company, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
INSEAD, the leading international business school, today announced the findings of The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2011 edition. Switzerland topped this year's GII ranking, gaining three spots from its position in last year’s GII. Sweden and Singapore follow in the 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively. Joining INSEAD as Knowledge Partners for the report were Alcatel-Lucent, Booz & Company, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations.
This year’s rankings show that innovation has become a global phenomenon with six European economies (including Finland 5th, Denmark 6th, the Netherlands 9th and the United Kingdom 10th), two Asian (including Hong Kong, SAR, China 4th) and two North American economies (the United States 7th and Canada 8th) in the top 10.
‘Innovation is critical to driving growth in both developed and emerging economies, especially during a time when the global economy is still in a state of recovery,’ said Soumitra Dutta, Roland Berger Professor of Business and Technology at INSEAD and editor of the study. ‘The GII has evolved into a valuable benchmarking tool to encourage private-public dialogue including policy-makers, business leaders and other stakeholders.’
WIPO Director General Francis Gurry stressed that ‘Innovation is central to economic growth and to the creation of new and better jobs. It is the key to competitiveness for economies, for industries and for individual firms.’ He added that ‘innovation and its many benefits do not come without the investment of time, effort and human and financial resources,’ noting that this report captures efforts by a large number of economies to provide an enabling environment that promotes innovation.
The five Nordic economies—Sweden (2nd), Finland (5th), Denmark (6th), Iceland (11th), and Norway (18th)—have very strong performances globally as well as regionally. Within the European Union (EU), the Netherlands and the UK are in the top 10, followed by Germany (12th), Ireland (13th), Luxembourg (17th), and Austria (19th) in the top 20.
The GII includes 16 economies from the Middle East and North Africa, of which two—Israel (14th) and Qatar (26th)—are ranked among the top 30; both high-income economies. Among Sub-Saharan African economies, Mauritius (53rd overall) achieves the top regional spot while South Africa (59th) is the runner-up. Ghana comes next at position 70, and ranked first among economies classified as low-income, all regions combined.
In Latin America and the Caribbean, Chile comes first (ranked 38th), followed by Costa Rica (45th) and Brazil (47th) among the top 50.
Of the four economies from South Asia in the GII, India is ranked 62nd overall, followed by Sri Lanka (82nd), Bangladesh (97th), and Pakistan (105th). From East Asia and the Pacific, besides the leading positions of Singapore (3rd) and Hong Kong (SAR, China, 4th), five more are in the top 30: New Zealand (15th), the Republic of Korea (16th), Japan (20th), Australia (21st), and China (29th), the top-ranked emerging economy.
Dr. Naushad Forbes, Chairman of the CII Innovation Council 2011-12 and Director of Forbes Marshall commented: ‘Today the whole world is talking about innovation in all forms starting from industry to government to society. After the recent economic slowdown the focus has shifted clearly towards the developing regions not only in terms of a booming potential market but also a hot spot for frugal innovations. Measuring this shift is important to know how we are doing, the GII is a starting point to do that and unquestionably in the right direction.’
The Global Innovation Index is computed as an average of the scores across inputs pillars (describing the enabling environment for innovation) and output pillars (measuring actual achievements in innovation). Five pillars constitute the Innovation Input Sub-Index: 'Institutions,' 'Human capital and research,' 'Infrastructure', 'Market sophistication' and 'Business sophistication'. The Innovation Output Sub-Index is composed of two pillars: 'Scientific outputs' and 'Creative outputs’. The Innovation Efficiency Index, calculated as the ratio of the two Sub-Indices, examines how economies leverage their enabling environments to stimulate innovation results.
The top 10 economies in the Innovation Efficiency Index are Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, China, Pakistan, Moldova, Sweden, Brazil, Argentina, India, and Bangladesh. Three BRIC economies (Brazil, India, and China) are in this select list, with the fourth, the Russian Federation, coming in at 52nd place. By region, the best performers are Côte d’Ivoire (1st), China (3rd), Pakistan (4th), Moldova (5th), Brazil (7th), Jordan (16th), and the US (26th). By income group, in descending order of income, leaders are Sweden (6th), Brazil (7th), Côte d’Ivoire (1st), and Bangladesh (10th).
Ben Verwaayen, CEO of Alcatel-Lucent, said: ‘The world faces many daunting societal challenges, which require bold, creative leaps to meet them. We need an environment where open innovation can thrive and be supported by dynamic collaboration between industries, enterprise, governments and the scientific community.’
Shumeet Banerji, Chief Executive Officer of Booz & Company added: ‘The ability to innovate is the great equalizer in the global economy. In the industrial era, nations relied on their natural resources to compete. Today, any country can advance with carefully focused investments in talent and R&D. The performance of some emerging economies in this year's GII shows what nations can accomplish with a focus on building 21st century economies.’
The top ten economies in the GII 2011 ranking are:
  1. Switzerland
  2. Sweden
  3. Singapore
  4. Honk Kong (SAR)
  5. Finland
  6. Denmark
  7. United States
  8. Canada
  9. Netherlands
  10. United Kindgom

The GII is a collaborative effort

Alcatel-Lucent, Booz & Company, the Confederation of Indian Industry, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are Knowledge Partners in the GII. Knowledge Partners participated in the project by providing their input to the research underlying the GII, and contributing to the dissemination of the results. In addition, in 2011 for the first time, an Advisory Board comprised of nine international practitioners and experts who bring unique knowledge and skills in the realm of innovation was created to assist with the research and the dissemination of results.
Although the general framework of past editions was maintained, important efforts were made this year to incorporate novel objective metrics from international organizations and private sources. The European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy) performed an independent assessment of the robustness of the GII 2011 results by means of a thorough Statistical Audit, the results of which are included in the Report.
The Report includes analytical chapters to expose recent global innovation trends that can hardly be captured by traditional metrics. These were provided by Knowledge Partners, all leading actors in the area of innovation. Topics include: affordable innovations in India; insights on innovation in Latin America; the smart and sustainable cities; the global footprint of R&D, and metrics on creativity and copyright-related industries.
To download the full report or see additional highlights, economy profiles and rankings, please visit:

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